
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jumping Stilts - An Alternative Workout

Want legs of iron, a core of steel, and Abs to die for - yet never lift a weight?

Air-Trekker Jumping Stilts
: You may have seen them in the 2008 Olympic closing ceremonies, at Mr. Obama's inaugural party, or maybe even in a parade at Disneyland; but lately they are being used by almost anyone who wants the pure thrill of radical fun mixed with fitness and adrenaline.

Designed and patented by a German aerospace engineer, Air-Trekker Jumping Stilts are a spring loaded stilt that you strap onto each leg. The outstanding feature is a 3 foot long, space-age, carbon fiber spring that by means of compression and deflection can send you into the air like a super-human.

Although Jumping Stilts are being marketed to extreme sports enthusiasts because of their love of big air, the US distributor has been amazed at how many units are sold to men and women of any age who are looking for an exciting fitness alternative.

For those who are bored with the fitness club routine or are tired of running the roads for hours, Air-Trekker Jumping Stilts provide an excellent cardiovascular/weight loss training and full body workout in a fraction of the time.

* Build incredible leg strength and tone
* Strengthen all of your body's core muscles
* Strengthen you heart and build great endurance
* Loose fat by burning more calories in a shorter time period.

Shape Magazine states, "Plyometric moves like jumping aren't just good for your bones; they may help you live longer. Women who did exercises like stepping and jumping for 40 minutes three times a week for a year decreased their LDL (bad) cholesterol."

So start jumping today! If you have any questions or want to see what the jumping stilts craze is all about check out the community for jumpers online here.

This post contains sponsored content but Jumping Stilts sure do look like a lot of fun! You can check out more videos of the product here. As with any fitness plan, know your limitations and be safe.


Mike said...

They really have reduced the price. When I saw them talk to the inventor on TV about a year ago, he said they were around $2000 a pair. (Granted, I may have confused that with some new models he was designing.)

I think the coolest thing about them is that you can run 20-25 mph with them!

Apryl DeLancey said...

How fun - run up to 25mph! Woo!

Lindsay said...

I think those would be fun to try. I can just imagine myself wiping out in them though! But maybe I could outrun Ace for once!

Apryl DeLancey said...

I know, right - I don't want to wipe out.

For me, all I have to do is walk briskly and I can outrun Gus. Haha!

Unknown said...

I have watched this video.
I think that it’s really great experience to use jumping stilts.
Thanks for this blog