
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Book Review: The Undisputed Guide To Pro Basketball

The team at FREEDARKO.COM have a new book out called The Undisputed Guide To Pro Basketball. I was sent a review copy along with the usual press info and dug in.

I've got to say, this is one of the most fun books I've delved into in some time. This isn't to say it doesn't have it's serious content though. There is a legitimate historical narrative that starts things off in Chapter 0 with the time line starting in 1891. Following is info on the early barnstorming teams with incredibly interesting names like The Terrible Swedes and the ladies of the men's rule playing All American Red Heads.

Get a bit further into the book and you've got fabulous infographics like the "Head Hair Key" and "Hair Champions". My hometown Lakers 1975-76 team have the distinct honor of being named the hairiest team. The fun doesn't stop there - there's a section later in the book dedicated to Charles Barkley that's aptly coined "Loud, Fat, and Gifted". Epic.

This book is a must-have for any basketball nut. The authors include a disclaimer that the history is far from complete but they really do include quite a lot in this hardcover of 200+ pages.

You can pick up a copy here for yourself or the basketball fan in your life.

Go Lakers!*

*I can't possibly mention basketball without saying that.

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