
Monday, December 28, 2009

5 Questions About Fitness Goals

I'm usually not one to do the whole New Year's Resolution thing since I like to set and reach goals throughout the year. However, I decided to take part in a fitness challenge that my Twitter friend @kokogirl started up. The Twitter Trim Up Challenge starts next month.

Now before you get the wrong idea - neither Lisa (@kokogirl) nor myself are fitness experts whatsoever. She's just interested in living a healthier lifestyle and getting her Twitter buds in on the action to help stay motivated.

If you're on Twitter, give her a follow and check out her blog for all the details.

So what are you waiting for? Make some goals and get started!

1. Where do I start with fitness goals?

Personally, I believe that goals must be tangible as well as challenging. I would not give myself the goal of being able to surf Pipleline as well as Kelly Slater by next winter. I would be setting myself up for failure. However, I need to make the goal challenging - such as being able to surf in consistent double-overhead sets for at least two hours.

2. Why do I need to make goals?

If you have goals you can measure your success. Without goals it is easy to get sidetracked since you don't have something to stick to.

3. How should I make these goals?

Your goals should be something that YOU want. If you've got a goal that is someone else's you are more likely to fail. Any way you slice it, you shouldn't set yourself up for failure. Make sure that your goals are within your physical and mental potential.

Next, make sure you have an idea how to get to your goal. If you want to lose ten pounds how are you going to do it? Don't just say that you want to lose ten pounds, say that you want to lose ten pounds and you are going to do it by getting on the treadmill three times a week and cutting out sodas.

4. What happens if I don't make my goals?

If you don't make your goals you should probably just completely give up on setting goals ever again since you will probably never meet them.

Not really.

As the cliche says: if at first you don't succeed - try, try again. Not being successful the first time isn't the end of the world. Give yourself a break. On the other hand, make sure you keep the balance and don't give yourself too much of a pass ticket! Reassess if you set yourself up to fail and then get back out there.

5. What should I do after I meet my goals?

When you meet your goals then make your next goal to keep the progress that you have made. Afterward, push yourself. If I make my surfing goals quickly then I just might try to be Kelly Slater at Pipeline. Or not.

So here are my goals and the rough outline of how I will achieve them. I'll be tweeting and blogging about them as I go:

1. Be able to participate in a 20 minute surf competition heat without being so winded that I feel like I am going to pass out.
a. Work on endurance by using elliptical trainer at least 4 times a week
b. Do exercises targeted to the upper body and core
c. Surf at least three times a week

2. Be able to paddle out into the 10 foot faces of my favorite swell and catch waves without taking a 20 minute break in between the two!
a. Work on endurance by using elliptical trainer at least 4 times a week
b. Do exercises targeted to the upper body and core

c. Surf at least three times a week

3. Consistently drive a golf ball 200 then 250 yards (right now I can get 225-240 once or twice a round).

a. Work on endurance by using elliptical trainer at least 4 times a week
b. Do exercises targeted to the upper body and core

c. Practice at the driving range at least twice a week

For the record - the very first thing I have to do is see my sports medicine doc. Unfortunately, I push myself a little more than I should and did something to my knee that I can no longer ignore. The moral of the story there is to know your limitations. I'm hoping to be back in the water in the next few days so wish me luck!

What are your fitness goals?


kokogirl said...

Great post! I love how you have specific goals and them you have some steps on how you will meet those goals. Goal setting can be very intimidating because no one likes to fail. But you are right-if you don't make a goal, try again and set a new one. Fitness is a journey, not a destination. Even when you make a goal, a new one is sitting right there for you. I am so glad that you joined the TTUC!

Apryl DeLancey said...

Thanks! I'm glad I joined as well! I'm quite serious about my goals and excited to get them accomplished.

Lindsay said...

My main fitness goal is to cut my half marathon time to under 2 hours. I need to work on picking up the pace in general and maintaining that for long distances.

Apryl DeLancey said...

Awesome! I'm still going to work in a half-marathon or similar this year. I'm shooting for the one in October in Long Beach.