Monday, May 31, 2010
5 Sports I Must Try This Summer
1. Lawn Bowling: I've talked about wanting to try this out before. There are many groups in the Los Angeles area. I saw several folks out yesterday enjoying this activity and it definitely renewed my interest.
2. Roller skating: Not in-line, but old-fashioned roller skating like I used to do when I was a kid. I miss it!
3. Stand-Up Paddle Board: Some days there is absolutely NO surf and these are the perfect days to SUP. It's a really great way to see the ocean's inhabitants as well.
4. Windsurfing or Kitesurfing: I'm not sure what sort of havoc this will cause on the shoulder/neck issues that I've had but I'm going to at least try. It seems as though you'd get a great upper body/core workout!
5. Sailing: I actually know someone that gives lessons. Everyone that I know that does this is completely hooked!
What do you want to try this summer?
Friday, May 28, 2010
Enjoy Your Weekend -- Really Enjoy It!
It's a half day today and then a three day weekend for me! Hooray! The only plans I really have are that I will hit my favorite surf shop to check out what's new and introduce my little niece to the surfing. big plans!
Lately I've taken a lot of mental time off...really just trying to chill! In addition, I've really made an effort this year to learn to say no. I figured out that trying to improve my health and fitness really includes taking a break. I don't need to be an overachiever...well, I don't need to be so obsessive about it.
Really, in the end, does it make sense to have worked around the clock? Shouldn't you take time to stop and smell the roses?
Yes, I understand that times are tough - they are no picnic for me either. I feel that we should especially relax and appreciate everything around us now. It doesn't cost anything to sit back and relax for a moment. Revel in something that makes you smile. Enjoy the sound of the birds chirping or even the constant hum of traffic (it is really mesmerizing if you let it be, as crazy as that sounds).
Seriously, relax. Take a moment to appreciate something today.
Have a great weekend!
Rider Shack,
Thursday, May 27, 2010
It's just about time for World Cup matches!
World Cup fever is rapidly spreading. There's merchandise to outfit yourself completely in your team's colors - right down to your flip flops.
So who you got?
I'll be rooting for the US, of course! An old high school BFF of mine is a complete soccer fanatic so hubby and I will be headed to watch as much as we can with him.
The real point of this post was to have a reason to embed today's video. It's pretty epic!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wild World Of Wednesday Without Whining
UFC Fan Expo: The Second Annual UFC Fan Expo will feature some of the Brightest and Biggest stars in all of MMA. The Fightergirls booth will be no exception! Guests include Shar Jackson, Shonie Carter, Debi Purcell, and Wes Sims. Autographs signings will be available at the Fightergirls booth (#1238). Fightergirls will be showcasing their New line for the season. Don't miss it!
Big Wednesday: What are you doing tonight? If you're in Huntington Beach check out Duke's from 7-10pm. There will be drink specials, raffle prizes, and more. Tonight's event is presented by Rip Curl.
Not Out Of Mind: Although I haven't covered much in the world of women's football lately it still exists. Check out the Southern California Breakers website for info on their season. The last game this year is on June 5th against the Los Angeles Amazons. For complete women's football coverage make sure you check out Women's Football Talk.
Today In Sports History
1925 - Ty Cobb became the first major league baseball player to collect 1,000 extra-base hits.
2002 - Robert Horry drains a three to beat the Kings in Game 4 of the Western Conference Finals
Happy Birtday to Jay Feely
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Straight Down The Middle Book Review
Josh Karp sent me a copy of his book Straight Down the Middle to review and tell my golf-loving readers about.
I've got to say, his bio on the inside sleeve And webstie is one of the best I've seen. Best as in it made me smile since it is full of silly, self-deprecating humor:
Josh Karp first played golf in the 6th grade and went on to become one of the worst players on some very bad high school and college golf teams.
He does mention that he started as an 18 handicap and got down to an 11 while working on the book, so there is that bit of good news.
The rest of the book doesn't disappoint. I found it to have a wonderful sense of humor that chronicles an everyman's journey to lower his handicap. We can all relate to that one, eh? Karp's journey, however, takes and alternative way to improve his game. Zen, spirituality, visualizations, and other interesting ways to lower that score are chronicled here. The subtitle of the book says it all: Shivas Irons, Bagger Vance, and How I Leaned to Stop Worrying and Love My Golf Swing.
Yep, epic.
He tries it all. At one point he's tapping two fingers on different parts of his face and chest and then bumping his wrists together in a specific order for several repetitions to help sink a putt. It's a fun read that seems to really be telling us all to relax and enjoy the game (something I really, really need to do).
You can pick up a copy through one of the links on Josh's website that will take you to online retailers like Amazon. If you're looking for a fun gift for your favorite golfer, this makes a great buy.
Monday, May 24, 2010
5 Reasons For My Crappy Golf Game
*Yes, I realize the video has nothing to do with the post. Go with it.
1. I don't practice enough: I had a goal that I would hit the range twice a week. The health of my shoulder and neck as well as a really gross winter and spring here in SoCal has made that incredibly difficult. I'm not ready to give up on my goal of increasing my driving distance just yet though!
2. More flexibility: If you've read this blog over the last few months you may have caught a few posts where I am whining about healing an old injury. All of the physical therapy, cortisone shots, and acupuncture is working! The only snag is that I have to re-learn my swing. Since I'm more flexible and gaining strength and endurance it has changed the way I move. I can't use the same swing that I used to have pre-treatment. A few lessons should fix that!
3. I lose patience: When I play a round I tend to lose focus since there is a good amount of down time, especially on a crowded course. "But you surf, don't you have to be patient for that?" Yes, but it is entirely different. When you are floating on a surfboard between sets it is still important to be very aware of your surroundings. It's not at all like sitting in the cart while you're waiting for the group in front of you. I need to play a few rounds of only nine holes before I go back to a full 18.
4. Sometimes I get psyched out: I usually play with former minor-league pitcher hubby and my 6'5" cousin. As you can imagine, these two are really big hitters. At times, watching 300+ yard drives over and over can get to you. On the other hand, it is incredibly motivating as well. Needless to say, I really try to practice my driver and increase the distance there. I do believe that a few rounds with the girls will do me very good. Where are Lisa and Heather when I need them? (Oh yeah, Florida and Ohio...darn!)
5. I just need to relax when it starts out badly: I get a bit worked up some days when I haven't found my rhythm by the 3rd hole. I have to just take a deep breath and chill.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Being Corny Is Good For Your Health
Seriously, being corny/silly is good for you. Lately I have being making a concerted effort to lighten up. There really is no reason to get completely stressed out about things. I know, some folks like to dwell and believe they have a unique set of circumstances that is so much more terrible than the rest of us. Sure, we've all got issues. We've all had heartaches, disappointments, sadness, and even a tragedy or two. Unfortunately, that's part of life.
I'm just not going to let it weigh me down.
You shouldn't either.
At times, I feel a bit corny for reading things like Zen Habits or other words of encouragement. Honestly though, there is nothing wrong with reading a daily reminder or two that keeps you positive. In fact, I have a collection of motivational material on the wall right next to my desk. Whenever I feel like I need a refresher, I read some. Corny? So what.
I've made a serious commitment to good health and fitness this year. Mental well being is a big part of that.
Go ahead...act silly for a bit's fun!
Have a great weekend!
P.S. For those of you that don't get it - today's video is one that I find motivating.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
A Moment To Go Over "The Rules"
First of all I just have to take a moment to be incredibly excited that the Lakers are up 2 games to none on the Suns. Woo!
At any rate, I just wanted to point out one of "the rules". I'm pretty laid back about things but I do have a few rules I follow with this blog. One in particular has to do with comments. I have this pet peeve about someone making a completely irrelevant comment just so that they can leave a link. Guess what? These are rejected. Seriously, if you want to promote yourself you should shoot me an email and ask to do a guest post or buy a link. There is text in my comment box that says this as well. I guess folks just try to see if I really mean it. I's just one of my pet peeves. There, rant over.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wild World of Wednesday Is Wild Whether You Wish or Want
Yeah so the title doesn't make sense. It really doesn't matter, does it? I just have a few random bits today:
Vote For Kaci: From the Women Talk Sports group: "We're very proud that one of our interns, Kaci Kust,was selected to move to the next round of voting to be the next Nike Field Reporter!! She needs our help. Please visit this site, go to page 4 or 5 (look for Kaci Kust in the title), watch the video, give her 5 stars, and comment!!"
To Network or Not: I'm testing out the idea of joining a networking group. This one is centered around golf and business in my local area. Anyone have any thoughts on network groups? This is the type that you pay monthly dues for. Dues in this group includes group instruction on the range twice a month as well as breakfast. Let me know what you think!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I'll Say It Again - GO LAKERS!
Lakers have game one down on their campaign to make the NBA Finals this year. Check out some reactions to the game here.
I'll not be bragging but crossing my fingers. Anything can happen in this series - nothing is in the bag!
Monday, May 17, 2010
5 Reasons To Volunteer For Life Rolls On
Yesterday I got to be a part of one of the most amazing experiences by volunteering for a Life Rolls On event. Their website describes them best:
Life Rolls On, a division of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, is dedicated to improving the quality of life for young people affected by spinal cord injury and utilizes action sports as a platform to inspire infinite possibilities despite paralysis.
The event yesterday was their flagship They Will Surf Again. I have plenty of reasons that you should volunteer your time when this event comes to a coastline near you but here are five:
1. It's Awesome. Period. You are with a group of incredibly dedicated volunteers that are all focused on one thing - sharing the stoke with someone who can't do it alone.
2. That Feeling You'll Get. When my group took out our first surfer it was truly incredible. She was quite young, probably about 18 - 20, and completely fearless. She could not use her legs but had the most amazing upper body strength and caught about 5 waves in her heat. I was in awe of the excitement and determination in her face. Honestly, I can't adequately describe just how inspiring she was.
3. Camaraderie! You form a group with others that you've seen around the local swells or demo days and come together for a common goal. I don't know who was more excited, the volunteers or the surfers.
4. Did I Mention Awesome? One surfer that my group took out was returning to the water for the first time. Yes, he was injured in the water in the first place. His courage was inspiring!
5. Did I Say Inspiring? I can't mention it enough. To watch the smiles on the faces of those who participate inspires and amazes. Seriously, if you can get to one of these events, you must.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Sometimes I Feel Like A Ninja
* WARNING * If you're offended by the F word don't play today's video
No I actually don't ever feel like a ninja but I woke up with Die Antwoord in my head and therefore, the title. If you don't get it don't bother, it isn't that important.
At any rate, I just finished 30 minutes on the stationary bike and I'm off to get my juice (fresh carrot, beet, celery, and orange that was made on the spot).
It's getting warmer, the rougher currents are calming down, and I'm ready for some surfing this weekend! Woo!
Have a great weekend and please excuse my silly, seemingly pointless post today. Everyone is allowed to be a little weird every so often, right?
P.S. While you're here, why don't you click on the new little ad for Photo Ball Marker that you see in my sidebar. It's a cool gift for dad, mom, your favorite golfer, or even yourself. Go ahead, don't be shy!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
All I Can Say Is GO LAKERS!
Everyone's talking about a Los Angeles vs. Boston series in the end. The Celtics have not put the Cavs to rest yet and don't forget about Orlando. They're nothing to shrug off!
The Lakers are looking good against the Suns but there are no guarantees.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Wild World of Wednesday With Fresh Air Fund
From the Fresh Air Fund website
The Countdown to Summer 2010 is on and The Fresh Air Fund is in need of host families. If you or someone you know is able to host, please sign up now.
In 2009, The Fresh Air Fund's Volunteer Host Family program, called Friendly Town, gave close to 5,000 New York City boys and girls, ages six to 18, free summer experiences in the country and the suburbs. Volunteer host families shared their friendship and homes for up to two weeks or more in 13 Northeastern states from Virginia to Maine and Canada.
The Fresh Air Fund relies on donations to provide memorable summers to NYC children.
The Fresh Air Fund needs hosts for the summer of 2010.
More than 65% of all Fresh Air children are re-invited to stay with their host family, year after year.
Thanks to host families who open up their homes for a few weeks each summer, children growing up in New York City’s toughest neighborhoods have experienced the joys of Fresh Air experiences.
Fresh Air Fund Host Families
"It is rewarding to see the smile on our Fresh Air child's face as she enjoys the simple things we take for granted..."
Friendly Town host families are volunteers who live in the suburbs or small town communities. Host families range in size, ethnicity and background, but share the desire to open their hearts and homes to give city children an experience they will never forget. Hosts say the Fresh Air experience is as enriching for their own families, as it is for the inner-city children. There are no financial requirements for hosting a child. Volunteers may request the age-group and gender of the Fresh Air youngster they would like to host for up to two weeks. Stories about real Fresh Air host families and their New York City visitors are just a click away!
Click here to learn more about becoming a host or call (800) 367-0003!
* P.S. FAF did not pay me anything to post this, they always merely ask nicely. I am a fan of their organization so I am happy to oblige. I post about organizations that get kids active, help spread the word about cleaning up our planet, and others that are relevant to sports and/or activity in some way. Heck, I even talk about animal rescues, come to think of it. Drop me a note if you want me to post about your charity and let's see where it can fit in. Gratis, of course.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Hockey And TBI
*Today we have a guest post - here is the author bio:
Chelsea Travers is an outreach representative forCareMeridian, a subacute care facility located throughout the Western United States for patients suffering from traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, or medical complexities such as neuromuscular or congenital anomalies.
Hockey is arguably one of the most physical professional sports. Hockey players are constantly getting body checked, slammed into boards, falling to the ice, slapped by a stick, hit by a dense, speeding puck or getting punched during a fight. If that isn’t bad enough, hockey players take part in one of the longest regular seasons of any sport, effectively taking on harsher pain for a longer amount of time throughout the year. Risk of injury couldn’t be clearer as you all too commonly see hockey players missing their front two teeth. With all of the injuries that can occur, one of the most dangerous is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A TBI is a silent injury that can cause harm to the mind and body of an individual. An injury to the head or brain can alter someone’s life and can even require long-term rehabilitation and care from a skilled nursing facility. These injuries are often far too common in the sport of hockey and if not properly treated can permanently leave a hockey player's life challenging than the game they play.
TBI is an injury that Philadelphia Flyers player Ian Laperriere knows all too well. In game 5 of an NHL playoff game with the New Jersey Devils, Laperriere took a slap shot to the face that immediately caused him to bleed excessively from the wound above his eye and lose sight. Laperriere was diagnosed with a brain contusion after having a MRI a few days later. While Laperriere may have originally thought that losing sight in one of his eyes was the worst of the two injuries, in reality the bigger concern could wind up being the long-term effects of the brain injury.
Concussions have been dismissed as minor injuries because the physical nature of most sports causes them to occur regularly, but, frequently occurring or not, they are still head injuries where the brain is forced to move violently within the skull and the way it functions could change permanently. When the brain moves in such a manner, it can bruise, bleed, and even tear; which can cause irreversible damage to the victim. For a sport like hockey this type of injury is very common and unfortunately at times ignored. Many hockey players don't take into account the possible effects of the injury and because it might not seem like a serious problem exists at first; they keep on skating as if nothing occurred. Their unawareness of the injury makes the it so much more dangerous because a mild brain injury can turn into a life threatening injury in a very short period of time without seeking immediate medical treatment.
Studies by the National Academy of Neuropsychology's Sports Concussion Symposium in New York have shown that since 1997, 759 NHL players have been diagnosed with a concussion. Broken down, that averages out to 76 players per season and 31 concussions per 1,000 games of hockey. That is far too frequent of an occurrence for such a serious injury. It's a frightening statistic that should send up a red flag to hockey officials that actions need to be taken to further prevent this type of injury from occurring.
The best, and sometimes only, treatment for TBI is prevention. For the National Hockey League new rules are being considered that preserve the game but also help protect the players. Rule changes concerning blindside hits, rink size (which effects players space from each other and their proximity to walls), and stronger helmet requirements all have been considered to help curb TBI and its effects. This demonstrates that the NHL is aware of the seriousness of the injury and is taking proactive steps to help prevent it from happening.
Hockey is one of the most popular sports in North America and has millions of people participating in it every year. Unfortunately, the sport comes with the risk of a TBI. With the right awareness of the injury and the necessary precautions in place, the game should be able to continue with players excited to lace up their skates and enjoy it.
Monday, May 10, 2010
5 Basketball Tidbits
Basketball Camp! I got the above video and message to spread around from Chantelle Anderson - read and forward please:
I need your help! I'm trying to get the word out about my first official basketball camp. It will be held in San Antonio, TX on May 29th and 30th, for girls grades 7-12. It will feature skills training from me and other pro-level trainers, life skills by my new mentoring program, Classy Girl, and an autograph session with WNBA All-Star Sophia Young.
Register for the camp here.
She's Back! After a bit of a hiatus, everyone's favorite Cavs fan Carolyn Hastings is back and putting up content on And One again. There has been a notable void while she was away and I'm glad to have her back!
Lakers! One more win and the team will be headed for the Western Conference Finals. Go Lakers!
Buck Foston: Now is a really great time to get your Buck Foston shirt from my internet buds Daniel and George. Love it!
Speaking Of: Did you see that the Cavs handed the Celtics their worst home playoff loss ever. Aww, I'm heartbroken (not).
Friday, May 7, 2010
Committee's Bid For World Cup Hopes To Bring Games And Culture To America
* Today's post is a guest piece by Marc Parker, contributor to Sports A La Mode.
This summer when the 2010 FIFA World Cup kicks off in South Africa it will bring with it a new level of attention and popularity for the game of soccer. The majority of the world is accustomed to the popularity of the sport since soccer is widely considered the "globe's game." However, in the United States, soccer is not as popular because American football, baseball, basketball, hockey and NCAA collegiate games all steal the spotlight first. The good news is that the love for soccer has been increasing in the U.S. and its’ popularity is spreading rapidly across a lot more American homes. As the World Cup approaches and talk of soccer picks up, Americans are rediscovering the importance of bringing the 2018 or 2022 World Cup to American soil.
The 1994 World Cup (the last time the games were held in the United States) was attended by a total of 3.6 million people, which is still a record even though the games have expanded. From a United States perspective, it was the highest attended single sporting event in U.S. history. That just goes to show you the power the games have even in a country where soccer usually plays second fiddle. With Team USA posed to begin their quest for their first ever World Cup, and America ready to root them on, 2018/2022 is the time to bring the cultural relevance of the world's most popular sport back to America.
The World Cup gives the United States a chance to bring together and play host for a variety of cultures, showcasing to the world that America is a global country - a quality that they’ve prided themselves on possessing since their inception. The United States Bid Committee understands the significance of hosting such an event and has pulled out all the stops to bring the games to America over other locations like England and Japan. The U.S. Committee's board of directors is made up of important figures like U.S. Soccer President, Sunil Gulati, Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg, Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Counselor to former President Clinton, Doug Band.
The latest addition of Band to the U.S. Committee is a smart move on behalf of the committee because Band, an avid fan of the game, is co-creator of the Clinton Global Initiative, and has worked tirelessly to help millions across the globe, adding an internationally recognized face on America’s bid. Band's commitment and global understanding is exactly what the Committee needs to make the 2018/2022 World Cup In America a reality.
The United States wants to bring the world’s attention to America by hosting the World Cup and demonstrating their embrace for the international game of soccer. Billions of people come together under the banner of soccer and root for their country's team in hopes of holding the cup. Winning the World Cup bid will hopefully convey the message that America welcomes diversity and respects worldwide culture.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
To Snack Or Not To Snack
How is everyone doing on their fitness goals they made for the year? Many that I know have completely abandoned those ambitious goals they made at the beginning of the year and now are "too busy" to eat right.
I've completely stuck by my TTUC eating plan and it's working very well for me. I'm a bit OCD so it's easy for me to stick to a regimented plan. However, I understand that others can have much more difficulty with sticking to things like this.
For example, I don't snack. I have my 3 meals and move on. I have a beer every so often at night so you could call that "snacking" because it is outside of meals. My workout and overall fitness plan accounts for this indulgence.
Many of us do need an indulgence here and there. If you must snack, my Fitness Magazine friends sent me some links to pieces they have published on snacking. Take a look:
Vending Machine Snacks
Grocery Store Snack Foods
Essentials For Healthy Snacking
How are your fitness goals coming along for the year?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Wild World Of Wednesday - In Memory Of Mr. Spence
I went to be early last night because I was a bit under the weather. I settled in and turned on an old James Bond movie (love those). Every so often I would check Facebook or Twitter on my phone, a habit that annoys my husband quite a bit. I was fiddling through the Twitter feed when I saw one from @stephaniewei that said:
In Memoriam: Vince Spence, aka The One Eyed Golfer - I was shocked when a reader alerted me to a post by Ryan...
I quickly went to her post and then to Ryan's
It was true, apparently our blogosphere bud, Vince Spence aka The One-Eyed Golfer, had passed.
I had Vince as a guest for 5 Questions last August. He told me that he wanted to be the Tony Kornheiser of golf bloggers and described himself as "...a 60 year-old Balti-moron golf nut. I love every aspect of the game: the traditions and history of the game, rules, trivia on any tour 12 months per year."
Every so often he would send emails out to the golf blogging community to get everyone to pitch in on a post or predictions for a tourney. Last month, he go 11 of us to give us Masters predictions.
Even more flattering was the fact that he had me listed in his side bar links under "My favorite lady bloggers" and would include me in his tweets. He also included me in a post entitled "A few of the golfing women in my life".
I will miss his emails to me & the group, posts, comments here, and tweets. 61 is too young to leave us. My sincere condolences go out to his family. I know he is survived by a wife, son, and daughter.
Goodbye Vince, it was truly a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Top 6 New Skateboarding Shoes for Summer 2010
* Thanks to Underworld Skateshop for today's guest post.
Your shoes are everything, and you should never settle for anything less than outstanding when it comes to choosing your footwear. Comfortable, flexible, durable, stylis,h and professionally tested: all qualities to consider when browsing the stores and shelves. The following are 6 of the best skate shoes to choose from this year’s summer selection. Why 6? you might be asking yourself, why not 5 or 10? ‘Cause we’re crazy like that, that’s why.
Etnies Malto

With phenom Sean Malto finally getting his own skate shoe, the sleek design of the new Etnies Malto will be making its way to skate parks everywhere this summer. A vulcanized double wrap outsole combined with a polyurethane footbed allow for the Malto to be everything you could ever want in a skate shoe. The style and swagger of Sean Malto is reproduced in shoe form through a platinum G2 insole designed to protect your feet from any harsh obstacles. The patented Etnies E-Suede returns with the Malto, as it serves to provide the feel and durability you need to control your board.
Adidas Busenitz

Only a handful of professional skaters are lucky enough to have their own sponsorship deal with Adidas, and the legendary Dennis Busenitz is now one of them. The breathable tongue and skate-specific sock liner allow for moisture to wick away instead of laying on your foot. Reportedly inspired by the look of one of Busenitz's favorite childhood soccer cleats, the skating variety is both comfortable and durable to ensure that you are able to perform at the highest levels on the board. Skaters will also find a Germanic badge on the insole of the shoe, which gives the Adidas Busenitz that extra feel of European authenticity.
DC H2Zero Alias

With a perfect tread for walking, running and of course skating, the versatile DC H2Zero Alias is designed to resist water, snow and slush, making them ideal for the transitional seasons by keeping those precious little feet of yours dry. The low-cut style of the DC shoes certainly adds flexibility, but it will render the water-resistant oil nubuck, the heavy-duty water-resistant mesh, and the internal tongue gussets to stop water seepage useless if you decide to go trudging through any deep snow. But with summer right around the corner, you can wear these shoes anywhere.
Nike SB Stefan Janoski

From Nike SkateBoarding comes Stefan Janoski's own, personally recommended shoe. This low-profile shoe can be worn as soon as you get them home. Some extra padding and a vulcanized sole allow for the ultimate in comfort while not sacrificing any of the feel that is necessary to compete at the highest levels. The leather laces allow for the shoes to be quickly and easily tied but still ensures that they will stay tied. The suede upper part of the shoe accentuates the cool, laid back persona of the shoe's inspiration.
Fallen Slash

Brian "Slash" Hansen finally got to design his own shoe, and he did not disappoint. With foam padding around the collar and tongue, the shoe gives the skater a great deal of comfort while still allowing them to maintain the feel and grip that is so highly sought. A rubberized outsole and vulcanized sole gives the Slash the tackiness and feel that only professional skateboarders were able to enjoy until now. The EVA insole also provides additional cushioning for the skater who needs a little bit more support in this area.
Vans AV6

Two of the best selling shoes in the history of Vans are put together to present the world of skateboarding the Vans AV6. Part Era and part Old Skool, Vans outdid themselves this time with a concoction that is sure to leave your feet begging you for more. The padded collar and tongue provides all of the additional support that is necessary for continued success. The waffle tread on the well-gripping outsole is textbook Vans and gives skaters some extra grip when they need it most. OrthoLite footbeds also help to create an extra layer of protection between you and the ground while also helping to let moisture find its way out of the shoe.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Time Off Is Good For Your Health (aka 5 Thinks I Did On My Week Off)
As most of you know, I took last week off from the day job and put up ridiculously thin posts with some interesting videos. Time off is good for you! I work a lot of hours and am rarely idle. This makes it difficult to wind down at times but I managed okay. Here's my week in a nutshell:
1. Woke up when I felt like it: I still am an early riser but it feels much better when you aren't jarred by the alarm clock.
2. Doctor visits: Not only did I hit the sports med doctor, physical therapy, and acupuncture; but I went to a nerve specialist. Awesome. I totally didn't expect to spend that much time going to deal with my neck/shoulder. Nothing has changed yet. Oh, I also hit the dermatologist to check a few spots on my face. They were nothing to worry about!
3. Exercise: Although I didn't get to do as much as I would have liked my exercise last week wasn't the epic fail that the gents in the video are expressing.
4. Kept eating well: My big "living it up" moment was having 2 small corn tortillas. Woo. On Saturday I was at a buffet and had quite a bit of crab legs but nothing too wild. I have no problem sticking with my eating plan and I credit this with keeping my goals within reach.
5. Got pickled with pals: Boy, did I. I had quite a bit of Belgian beer. Plenty of it. The best part - I spent time with friends old and new having a great time. Staycationing can be fun!
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